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Erhan Korkmaz
Academic Researcher

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About me

My name is Erhan Korkmaz, I was born in 1997, and I am writing to you today to provide you with some information about myself. I completed my undergraduate studies in Folklore at Ankara University's Faculty of Language, History, and Geography, where I also pursued a minor in Philosophy. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Folklore at the same faculty. My academic focus as an ethnologist in the social sciences has been shaped by my passion for ethnology and the elective courses I took in the Department of Social Anthropology. My research interests include visual ethnography, posthumanism, multispecies ethnography, animal studies and urban ethnography. As a long-time vegan and animal liberation activist, I have shaped my academic work and research with the goal of dismantling interspecies hierarchies and contributing to the creation of a more just and inclusive world. Outside of academia, I enjoy running, photography, engaging in deep conversations about cinema and philosophy, and sharing a beer with friends.


I am also continuously developing my skills in photography and video. During my undergraduate studies, I took courses in ethnographic photography and documentary in order to use them in my fieldworks. Currently, I am a project-based field specialist for a research consultancy company called DOA Consulting.

  • [Turkish] Korkmaz, E. (2023). Bekâr Olmanın Dayanılmaz ZorluÄŸu: Sahada Erkek AraÅŸtırmacı Olmak. Peron Dergisi. 8 (1): 71-74.​

  • [English] Korkmaz, E. (2023). Eastern Horsefly: Implications of Fatima Mernissi’s Work on the Islamic Ethos. Kültür AraÅŸtırmaları Dergisi(19), 262-276.

  • [Turkish] Korkmaz, E. (2024). Devletsiz Kentler, Kentsiz Devletlere Benzer: Devlet Ä°ktidarını Kent Politikaları BaÄŸlamında DüÅŸünmek. Polen Dergisi (11), 71-77.

  • [Turkish] Korkmaz, E. (2024). Edebiyatta Ä°nsan-Hayvan MelezleÅŸmesi: Bulgakov’un Åžarik’i. Kültür AraÅŸtırmaları Dergisi (20).

  • [Turkish] Korkmaz, E. (2024). Çürümekteki Türcü Siyasal Paradigmaların Etik Çırpınışları: "Ne Kadar Vegansın YoldaÅŸ?". Univeg Dergi (8).

  • [Turkish] Korkmaz, E. (2024). Fotografik Åžiddet Ä°mgelerinin Ä°nsan-Olmayan Faillere Açılması: Görme Rejimleri ve TürcülüÄŸün FotoÄŸraf Üzerinden Tartışılması. Ä°nönü Üniversitesi Kültür Ve Sanat Dergisi, 10(1), 49-62.

  • [English] Korkmaz, E. (2025). Missing Bodies: The Blindness of the Ethnographic Gaze to Non Human Animal Actors. Türk Folklor AraÅŸtırmaları DerneÄŸi Dergisi, (370), 1–30.

Online Articles [Turkish and English]

  • [Turkish] "Devletin Ä°nsanmerkeziyetçi Sureti: Türkiye’de Sokak Hayvanları Üzerinden Kent Politikası", Toplum ve Ütopya, 17 December 2023. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] "Devletin Ä°nsanmerkeziyetçi Sureti 2: Ne Yapmalı?", Toplum ve Ütopya, 19 December 2023. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] "Bağımlı Bağımsız Saha AraÅŸtırmacısı: Akademiden Sahaya Uzun Ä°nce Bir Yol", Toplum ve Ütopya, 26 December 2023. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] â€‹"Toplum Diye Bir Åžey Yoktur”: Tekil Ä°liÅŸkileri ToplumsallaÅŸtırma Sorunu", Toplum ve Ütopya, 30 December 2023. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] "Hocalık Müessesinin Kışkırtıcı Cazibesi: Kurumsal OtoriterliÄŸin Ä°kamesi", Toplum ve Ütopya, 27 January 2024. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] "Devletin Ä°nsanmerkeziyetçi Sureti 3: Beni Sokak Siyasetinden Alıkoyan Nedir?", Toplum ve Ütopya, 22 February 2024. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] “Olsun, KöpeÄŸin de Canı Yok mu?”: ‘Sivas’ Filmindeki Sivas ve Aslan’ın Ä°liÅŸkisi Üzerine, Toplum ve Ütopya, 12 August 2024. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] "VahÅŸeti Perdeleyen Mercek: TürcülüÄŸün FotoÄŸrafik Ä°mgeler Aracılığıyla Yeniden Üretimi", El Yazmaları, 18 November 2024. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] "Dil Belası: Ä°nsan-Olmayan Hayvanlarla Ä°letiÅŸim Üzerine Bir Deneme", Vox Artistica, 09 December 2024. Click to Read

  • [Turkish] "CinsiyetleÅŸtirilen Hayvanlar, HayvanlaÅŸtırılan Cinsiyetler: Bedenler Üzerinde Kurulan Ä°ktidar", Vox Artistica, 17 January 2025. Click to Read

Academic Talks and Presentations [Turkish and English]

  • [Turkish] An Interview with Anthronaut Channel on the Department of Folklore/Ethnology, 13 July 2023.  Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] An Interview on Posthumanism with Ankara University Philosophy Society, 29 July 2023. Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] An Interview on Veganism with Ankara University Philosophy Society, 29 July 2023. Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] Animal Save Turkey's ‘World Day to End Speciesism’ Event: ‘Speciesism’, Ka Workshop, 6 September 2023. Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] Interview with Animal Save Turkey Organization on Veganism and Philosophy, 1 November 2023. Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] Ankara University Faculty of Communication Documentary Work titled ‘What We Carry in Our Skin’: ‘The Art of Tattooing’, 7 December 2023. Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] My Presentation titled ‘The Relationship between Ecological Struggle and Veganism’ at Univeg Intersectional Struggle Symposium, 17 March 2024. Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] At the 20th Annual METU Sociology Days ‘Opening Photographic Images of Violence to Non-Human Perpetrators in the Context of Regimes of Seeing and Speciesism: Animal Photojournalism and the Construction of Social Memory’, 20 March 2024. Click to Watch​

  • [Turkish] From Environmental Ethics to Agricultural Ethics: Human-Environment Relationship and Veganism in the Anthropocene Age [Interview with Recep Külcü], 28 May 2024. Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] Do We Need to Abolish Cities?: Urban Politics in Animal Studies [Interview with Sezai Ozan Zeybek] Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] What does struggle without organisation look like?: Political Animal Rights Struggle [Interview with Ahmet Caner Altay] Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] Is a Non-Speciesist Art Possible? The Struggle for Animal Liberation in Art [Interview with Åžebnem Edikli] Click to Watch

  • [Turkish]In the Footsteps of Primates: Thinking the ‘Dominant’ Position of Humans in Nature with Primates [Interview with Aslıhan Niksarlı] Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] From Philosophy to Philosophy: The Position of the Human and the Other in the Question of Whatness [Interview with OÄŸuz KarayemiÅŸ] Click to Watch

  • [Turkish] From Photography to Ethology: Animal Photojournalism and Consciousness in Ethology [Interview with Deniz Tapkan Cengiz] Click to Watch

Academic Activities (Congress, Symposium...) [Turkish and English]

  • [Turkish] 9th National Anthropology Student Congress (Oral Presentation: " Lost Faces: The Blindness of the Ethnographic Gaze"), Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, 9 May 2022.​

  • [Turkish] VI. International Congress on Critical Debates in Social Sciences (Oral Presentation: ‘’Missing Faces: The Blindness of the Ethnographic View towards Non-Human Actors"), Izmir Democracy University, 4-5 November 2023.

  • [Turkish] Faculty of Communication Colloquium (Oral Presentation: "Anthropocentric Ethnographic Perspective: Possibility of Multispecies Ethnography"), Hacettepe University, 13 November 2023.

  • [Turkish] International Antalya Science Forum: Climate Change, Environmental Crisis and Migration (Oral Presentation: "Civil Society Organisations in the Fight against Climate Crisis: The Save Movement and the Case of Plant-Based Treaty"), Akdeniz University, 29-1 December 2023.

  • [Turkish] 20th Annual METU Sociology Days (Oral Presentation: ‘Opening Photographic Images of Violence to Non-Human Perpetrators in the Context of Regimes of Seeing and Speciesism: Animal Photojournalism and the Construction of Social Memory"), Middle East Technical University, 20 March 2024. 

  • [Turkish] Congress on the Future of Sociology and the Sociology of the Future (Oral Presentation: “What Does the Socio of Sociology Include and Exclude? The Possibility of an Anthropocentric/Non-Genetic Sociological Practice), BaÅŸkent University, September 27, 2024.

  • [Turkish] MSGSU Sociology Conference (Oral Presentation: Being a Horse Among People: An Interspecies Ethnographic Research on the Relationship between Human and Horse in a Horse Riding Club), Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, December 5, 2024.

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